Post by Mia Winters on Aug 16, 2023 1:09:00 GMT
Personally I have my fingers crossed for an Excella immunity run From now on I want you to wish that I would go on an immunity run in all of the games I play xoxo.
Deja Vu
Posts: 777
Post by Alice on Aug 16, 2023 1:15:21 GMT
Personally I have my fingers crossed for an Excella immunity run From now on I want you to wish that I would go on an immunity run in all of the games I play xoxo. Survivor: Immunity Players will keep immunity until all remaining players have immunity
Post by Mia Winters on Aug 16, 2023 6:22:05 GMT
Based on confessionals and plans, I think Jessica and Sheva are in a bit of trouble here.
Weirdly I don't know if Steve is on anyone's radar to take out really.
I don't know what people think about Matt. Genuinely. I think people see him as a seat filler for them? I don't know.
This game state is weird haha.
Billie for sure wants to stick with Matt and Steve. I think... Excella wants to work with Steve for now because she sees him as a shield figure maybe?
I assume Sheva and Jessica aren't planning to split from each other here.
Genuinely confused as to what game plans that Steve, Matt and Jessica have.
Post by Mia Winters on Aug 16, 2023 6:23:59 GMT
Billie I also only get momentary glimpses of from her mod chat as to what she's thinking and now that Excella is immune I think those plans are up in the air.
Really the only two we get semi regular updates in confessional from are Sheva and Excella. If those two were voted out I have a huge suspicion I would have no idea what was happening in game at all.
Post by Mia Winters on Aug 16, 2023 13:53:35 GMT
That last plan didn't make sense with Jess voting out Jess. Let's try that again, but more to my liking. Phase\Strategy
| #bangbangkisskiss | How? | Final 6 | Jess | with Billie, Steve, Matt | Final 5 | Billie | with Sheva, Matt
| Final 4 | Matt | with Sheva, Steve | Final 3 | Steve Sheva Excella | Make an awesome FTC pitch |
The logic: - Jess and Sheva need to be separated as they will only take each other +1 to F3
- Matt and Sheva will work more closely together after the vote
- Billie and Steve need to be separated, which Matt and Sheva can be convinced of
- By this stage, hopefully Steve or Matt are a bigger threat than I in the eyes of each other
Its not a bad plan but I think Excella is underestimating her own threat level to pull it off quite honestly.
Post by Dr. Salvador on Aug 16, 2023 15:36:08 GMT
i absolutely can't imagine excella would not go next in F5 if jess got taken out here, barring another immunity win. I think perception of jess/sheva as a dangerous duo is probably accurate but it doesn't seem like splitting them up now would work out. I have no idea how she'd expect to turn votes on billie at F5.
Post by Mia Winters on Aug 16, 2023 15:58:18 GMT
I absolutely think if Excella follows through with a Jess vote she is just…next to go if she loses.
Its a lot of pressure to think she can manage a swing vote when Sheva desperately wants Matt out.
Post by Dr. Salvador on Aug 16, 2023 15:58:52 GMT
Like, we don't know his thinking, but from Matt's perspective, who would he rather go to the end with - Excella or Billie? the answer seems incredibly clear cut. Excella has the stronger resume by far.
Post by Sherry Birkin on Aug 16, 2023 16:03:02 GMT
Does Billies idol expire this round or next?
Post by Dr. Salvador on Aug 16, 2023 16:04:17 GMT
it does yes
Post by Mia Winters on Aug 16, 2023 16:15:54 GMT
Everything left in game expires this round.
Post by Mia Winters on Aug 16, 2023 16:25:10 GMT
I think at this point, Matt, Billie and Sheva should want to go to the end together. The problem is Steve.
Post by Uroboros Test Subject on Aug 16, 2023 20:46:20 GMT
nobody can vote for billie because of idol expiring this round
Therefore -> billie can save whoever she needs to w/ the idol and get her target out Ez pz
Post by Mia Winters on Aug 16, 2023 21:10:06 GMT
The problem is I think Billie is just gonna let Jess go. What incentive does she have to do something else? She already wants to endgame with Steve and Matt.
Post by Night Howl on Aug 16, 2023 21:59:56 GMT
Billie's making a move